Providing secure video Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) throughout New Hampshire
Fees For Services
Just A Thought Counseling is not in-network with any insurance companies.
At Just A Thought Counseling the current fee is $75 per 50-minute session payable at the time of the session.
In addition to weekly sessions, Just A Thought Counseling charges a fee of $75 per hour for any additional professional services performed, payable at the time of service. These charges are not reimbursable by insurance.
Treatment is most effective when it is not made part of legal disputes. If we are required to take part in any such actions the fee for any and all time participating in these actions is $200 per hour for all time spent, including but not limited to time preparing a treatment summary, report writing, trial preparation, travel time, and actual participation. The charge will be for a minimum five hours to account for the rescheduling of a half-days’ worth of client sessions. These charges are not reimbursable by insurance.
Insurance Reimbursement
Just a Thought Counseling is an out-of-network provider with insurance companies. Check with your insurance provider to see if they will let you get reimbursement for out-of-network counseling. The billing codes you can ask them about are 90791, 90834 and 90837. If you decide to seek reimbursement from insurance, I will be happy to mail you a signed "superbill" receipt that you can send them. It will be fully your responsibility to follow up with your insurance provider for reimbursement.
For more details on Just a Thought Counseling's policies for fees and insurance read the Client Informed Consent Information.